Thursday, January 7, 2016

High-minds away in pockets

Clouds of unchangeable force, they try to drag me down but I put on a mask and take stands. Try to be who I'm not and it works for awhile until the storm comes. When the rain falls, it shows. The mask comes off and they don't like me anymore. I'm someone they are ashamed of and they look at me in disappointment  while I stand in pure confusion aching for comfort and stand by my sides. Dreams blown out into dust, I stay awake with sad eyes and wander. Curiosity fills my heart and mind and keeps the belief train riding on track, I am weak. I am nothing. I lose focus and in my daze I hear nothing but ignorance echoing with silent whispering voices telling me I'm not good enough. I am the lesser. The inadequate being. They goof of me and knock me down with a great big ball and chain of words and life expects me to be confident? How? What is it that life wants of me that I'm not gaining for life? Wisdom? Well, then give me the power to stand up for myself and the knowledge to be able to loosen my strings and be free. To tell myself "I am worthy."

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