Thursday, January 7, 2016

High-minds away in pockets

Clouds of unchangeable force, they try to drag me down but I put on a mask and take stands. Try to be who I'm not and it works for awhile until the storm comes. When the rain falls, it shows. The mask comes off and they don't like me anymore. I'm someone they are ashamed of and they look at me in disappointment  while I stand in pure confusion aching for comfort and stand by my sides. Dreams blown out into dust, I stay awake with sad eyes and wander. Curiosity fills my heart and mind and keeps the belief train riding on track, I am weak. I am nothing. I lose focus and in my daze I hear nothing but ignorance echoing with silent whispering voices telling me I'm not good enough. I am the lesser. The inadequate being. They goof of me and knock me down with a great big ball and chain of words and life expects me to be confident? How? What is it that life wants of me that I'm not gaining for life? Wisdom? Well, then give me the power to stand up for myself and the knowledge to be able to loosen my strings and be free. To tell myself "I am worthy."

Diary Of A Heroin Addict

Mr. Heroin, I need you, you give me a certain special feeling that no one else can possibly give. My veins are dancing with the devil and the fire I'm taking in is burning me with pleasure. I can feel it. Can you?
Mr. Heroin, I love you, you make me feel so warm and comfortable and all I want is you. My eyes are growing wide to your tempting drug candy and I won't stop until I feel satisfied and get what I want. I stick you in me and you flow through me like water through a pipe, I need you to survive.
Mr.Heroin, I breathe you, you give me this neverending glory and great power that only keeps me begging for more. With you, I feel like Hercules.
Mr. Heroin, I seek you, when I'm lost, I find you and when you are held in my hand, I am unstoppable. Can you feel the power like I do?
Mr. Heroin, I admire you, for everything you do for me. You are there for me when no one else is and that means it all to me. You pull me off my knees and help me back on my feet again.
Mr. Heroin, I wear you, like clothing I wear you all over my body because once that needle pricks my arm, every vein in my body feels flowing and strapping.
Mr. Heroin, I have changed. I fear you. You have scared away all the good in my once healthy body and I can't go back.
Mr. Heroin, I hate you. I thought you were my friend but you mislead and confused me. You broke my trust and threw away the pieces and as you did that, you chased my family and friends to see me in disgust.
Mr. Heroin, I blame you. Why did you trap me and lure me into your demonic actions? I once believed you. Once believed you were there for me, when really you were knocking me down and destroying me the whole time.
Mr. Heroin, I forgot you. Forgot how it felt to be tortured and I frankly don't give a damn. My family and friends are here for me now and they love the new and changed person I have become. So screw you are not my are my enemy.

Staying 'Til Able

I stay holding the sun and it's shadow in place while the heat throws down degree onto the earth's  breathing atmosphere. I stay ascending every stair of luminosity to only break upon high waves. I stay breaking beams from every fleeting flash and with this strength I reach foremost and with exalting hopes I forestand a peak. I stay able in such high-minded power jumping from rock to rock with small widths between lonely and untouched. I stay distant and far-be-it because I can survive on sharp contrast. I stay
tip-toeing on quicksand and flash to tamed ground to only attach myself to what's alive. I stay within walls of restriction and liability and wonder why my small dependent heart is still beating set. I stay unable to flee until my walls of captivity are done sticking like glue. I stay this way until I am strong enough to say "I am able".